Experience of using ART in the treatment of cardiovascular pathology in women in the pre- and postmenopausal period
AUTHORS : Ilyina O.V. | Paltseva I.S. | Fedina E.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M.Sechenov, Department of
non-drug methods of treatment and clinical physiology of FDPOP
YEAR : 2006
Not enough attention is currently paid to the problem of disorders that occur in the cardiovascular system in women in the pre- and postmenopausal
period. Changes in the hormonal background in women during this period often provoke the development of cardiovascular diseases, which are often difficult, with
high rises in blood pressure, accompanied by vegetative and psycho-emotional disorders, which significantly reduce the work capacity and quality of life of
patients. In addition, in modern society there is a tendency towards the rejuvenation of menopausal disorders, which also increases the relevance of the
search for effective methods for their correction.