Frequency 84.5 Hz in the prevention and treatment of leukopenia in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy
AUTHORS : Gorbenko S.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : West Kazakhstan Regional Oncological Dispensary, Uralsk, Kazakhstan
YEAR : 2005
Modern chemotherapy drugs like the “sword of Damocles” carry with them a constant threat of leukopenia, which not only forces to interrupt the course of
treatment, but also often threatens the patient’s life (3–7% mortality). Modern hematogormones (granocyte, leukomax, neupogen) are expensive and cannot
solve the problem of leukopenia on a mass scale. Transfusion of leukoplasma is often technically impossible – it is dangerous to be infected with infectious agents.
In this regard, for 3 years I have carried out studies of the frequency 84.5 Hz with an intensity of 30 units recorded for 5 minutes on a homeopathic