The results of treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis with impaired visual functions using bioresonance therapy methods

The results of treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis with impaired visual functions using bioresonance therapy methods

AUTHORS : Tarakanovskiy A.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005


Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common organic lesions of the central nervous system, caused by the occurrence of foci of demyelination scattered
throughout the brain and spinal cord. The etiology of the disease is not known, however, in the pathogenesis of development, the important role of disorders on the
part of the immune system is undoubted. The disease usually occurs at a young age and is remitting in nature.
Gradually, the severity of clinical manifestations increases, up to complete disability due to ataxia, paresis and visual impairment. Most often, there are
lesions of the pyramidal system, cerebellar disorders, atrophy of visual nerves.



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