Experience of using exogenous bioresonance therapy in the complex treatment of patients with hepatitis C complicated by mixed infection
AUTHORS : Osipova O.V. | Podchernyaeva R.Ya.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific and Methodological Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Center “Culture of Health”, MMA named after IM Sechenov, State Research Institute of Virology named after D.I. Ivanovsky, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005 | Category : Experience
Among patients with viral hepatitis, an increase in hepatitis C has been noted. This slowly progressive disease is a common cause of severe complications, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. It is also known that this infection does not respond to effective treatment. The search for new means of treating hepatitis is an urgent task of public health. In preliminary experiments, we have shown a direct destructive effect on viruses and protozoa of resonant-frequency exposure by devices “MINI-EXPERTDT” of the firm “IMEDIS” in infected cells: herpes virus type I (O.V. Osipova et al., 2002, p. ), influenza virus H3N2 (OV Osipova et al., 2003), as well as mycoplasma (OV Osipova et al., 2003).
In experiments on mice with chronic hepatitis C, we obtained the following data: 1. After three times exposure to mice with resonance-frequency programs F389 and F390 at an intensity of 100 conv. units within 25 minutes using the apparatus “MINI-EXPERT-DT” the size of the liver of the mice decreased almost to normal and the hepatitis C virus in the blood of the animals was not detected. 2. In another group of mice with chronic hepatitis C, when administered in Within 2 weeks, sugar crumbs, on which the same frequency programs were recorded, received a pronounced therapeutic effect: a decrease in the titer of the virus by 8 times while reducing the size of the liver by half.