Case from practice

Case from practice

AUTHORS : Petrov Yu.G.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia
YEAR : 2004


Patient Oksana L., 25 years old. I went to the Center with a complaint of prolonged (up to 3 weeks) bleeding after mensis. Anamnesis: cystitis, adnexitis, for which she
underwent a course of therapy in a hospital. Previously, there was an abortion. After computer diagnostics by the method of vegetative resonance test
(ART) “IMEDIS-TEST” revealed: Trichomonas infection, thrush cystitis,
endometriosis, as well as infection with the hepatitis virus nia – ni B in potency D6,
which indicated the multicomponent nature of the cause of this pathology.



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