ART, RFT in the diagnosis and treatment of amebiasis
AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Method of Treatment
Amoebiasis is a protozoal invasion caused by amoeba. It proceeds in the form of amoebic colitis, extraintestinal amebiasis, or asymptomatic carriage. According to the recommendation of the WHO Expert Committee (1970), there are three main forms of amebiasis:
1) intestinal amebiasis;
2) extraintestinal amebiasis;
3) cutaneous amebiasis.
I would like to dwell on cases in which the diagnosis is erroneously diagnosed with intestinal cancer (with intestinal amebiasis) and cancer of the biliary tract with amoebic liver abscess. Due to the warming climate in Central Russia, amoebiasis is increasingly found in central Russia, as well as in Moscow. In the chronic course of intestinal amebiasis, asthenic syndrome, a deficiency of proteins and vitamins, gradually develop.
Patients complain of an unpleasant taste in the mouth, a burning sensation and soreness of the tongue. Appetite decreases, the abdomen is more often pulled in, painless or slightly painful on palpation in the iliac regions, less often along the entire colon. With a prolonged course of intestinal amebiasis, anemia, eosinophilia, monocytosis, lymphocytosis, and an increase in ESR are sometimes found in the hemogram.
In advanced cases, exhaustion increases, death develops. Endoscopic picture in chronic cachexia, from which and intestinal amoebiasis varied. Along with ulcers, you can find cysts, polyps, amoebomas – tumors, which are difficult to distinguish during examination. Amoeba – tumors with fluoroscopy give filling defects and are often interpreted as bowel cancer. In the chronic course of amoebic liver abscess, the temperature is absent or subfebrile, weakness increases, pressing pains persist in the right hypochondrium.