The Role of Energy Information Medicine in Research and Correction allergic conditions

The Role of Energy Information Medicine in Research and Correction allergic conditions

AUTHORS : Pilyushenko E.V. | Kolesnik N.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Perm Central District Hospital, Perm, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Educational

According to the epidemiological data of the WHO in 2000, more than 40% of the population has signs of allergic diseases, and, according to scientific forecast, a further increase in their number is expected. But despite certain successes, classical medicine, unfortunately, is not always able to provide answers to questions and resolve problems arising in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with this pathology.

For example, not all patients who came to us and their attending physicians could give a clear answer – when and in connection with what they developed an allergic reaction. Many patients noted that even with the exclusion of factors, the reaction to which was determined by laboratory diagnostic methods, skin tests, provocative tests, etc., remained symptoms of the disease. It is a common example when a seemingly correctly prescribed pharmacotherapy still did not give a positive effect and did not prevent the transition of the disease to more severe clinical forms.

These and many other questions that arise when working with such patients forced us to reconsider the approach to the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases. It is known that allergy is the body’s hypersensitivity to certain factors. But the question arises: why these same factors do not cause reactions in other people? It is logical to assume that the development of allergic conditions requires not only the presence of an allergen, but also a certain state of the body into which this allergen enters.

This condition means a violation of drainage and detoxification body functions. And the weakness of the basic functions forces the body to connect additional protective mechanisms – in particular, pathological drainages through the mucous membranes and skin, which causes the appearance of the corresponding symptom complex. Often, such diseases, although accompanied by allergic symptoms, do not contain in their pathogenetic basis a true allergy that develops in the body according to the type of antigen-antibody reaction.

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