Moon phases in homeopathy
AUTHORS : Mishchenko1 V.V. | Kosmodemyanskiy2 L.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Moscow Institute of Homeopathy, 2Moscow Homeopathic Center, Moscow
YEAR : 2004
Much has been written about the influence of the moon, but here we want to emphasize its
importance in homeopathy. Even Samuel Hahnemann himself, in his fundamental works, noted the influence of the moon not
only on the ebb and flow of the sea, but also on the course and manifestation of diseases.
Thus, in the 6th edition of the Organon of Healing Art, in paragraph 11, he writes
about the dynamic influence of the moon: “Our Earth, thanks to hidden invisible energy,
makes the Moon revolve around itself in twenty-eight days and several hours, and the
Moon, in turn, at strictly defined hours (taking into account the known differences
associated with the waning and rising of the moon) causes the ebb and flow of our
northern seas. “