Experience in complex outpatient treatment of patients with gynecological diseases
AUTHORS : Shehab L.F. | Shehab H.Yu.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Tver, Russia; Saida, Lebanon
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Method of Treatment
If we exclude inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, then among patients who seek help from a homeopath on an outpatient basis, we can distinguish three main groups of diseases that make up the bulk of gynecological patients – these are violation of the menstrual cycle, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and their combinations. Diagnosed “Menstrual irregularities” we observed 16 girls aged from 11 to 25 years.
All patients received a complete gynecological examination. The formation of the reproductive system is a process stretched out over time. Exposure to any unfavorable factors, such as stress, infections, can lead to disruptions in the formation of the reproductive system, especially menstrual function. According to the literature, the formation of normal reproductive function is currently observed in only 60% of girls.