New method of drug testing in classical homeopathy

New method of drug testing in classical homeopathy

AUTHORS : Koroleva N.A. | Yanovsky O.G.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology, Ministry of Health RF, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

The main disadvantage of drug testing according to R. Voll is the impossibility of using it to select individual homeopathic medicines, the treatment of which is the most effective and safe. Most often, when using the algorithms of drug testing according to R. Voll, a complex of homeopathic medicines is selected, which can include up to 20 monopreparations, which significantly increases the cost of treatment, leads to polypharmacy with its unpredictability and side effects.

The use of a standard technique of drug testing, in which a single measuring point is repeatedly subjected to mechanical and electrical influences, leads to a change in its functional state and even to damage to the skin, which distorts the test results.

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