Experimental substantiation of the bioresonance theory of the ototoxic action of aminoglycoside antibiotics
AUTHORS : Gotovsky Yu.V. | Abakarov M.G. | Kosareva L.B. | Rodigina T.N.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow; Dagmedakademiya, Makhachkala; Russia;Khust, Ukraine
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Research
More than 50-year history of studying the ototoxic effect of aminoglycoside antibiotics (AGA) did not lead to a clear understanding of the mechanisms, respectively, and to the creation of effective methods for the prevention and treatment of drug disease. Moreover, analysis of literature data casts doubt on the pharmacological (chemical) mechanism of this phenomenon.
This conclusion is supported by the high individual variability in the nature and degree of auditory and vestibular disorders (Shanturov, Senyukov, 1980), the lack of correlation between the chemical structure of the antibiotic and ototoxicity (Nakashima, 2000), as well as between the concentration and other parameters of the pharmacokinetics of AgA in the inner ear and their ototoxic potential (Ohtsuki, 1982; Hiel, 1987).