Clinical example of patient rehabilitation from lifelong treatment and expectation of death using ART and resonance frequency therapy

Clinical example of patient rehabilitation from lifelong treatment and expectation of death using ART and resonance frequency therapy

AUTHORS : Minina L.N. | Eliseeva O.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : NPOC O.I. Eliseeva, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Method of treatment

Verbatim conclusion State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Institute of Immunology Zimin E.M., 1983 year of birth (18 years). Observed at the Institute of Immunology since 1996 with a diagnosis of General variable immunological deficiency: agammaglobulinemia. Chronic sinusitis, sluggish course, chronic tonsillitis. Stomatitis. Splenomegaly.

During the observation period, he receives Chronic bronchitis out exacerbation. Lymphadenopathy. place of residence regular replacement therapy with intravenous immunoglobulins at a dose of 10 g per course, with exacerbation of purulent foci of infection, antibiotic therapy is performed. Despite the ongoing treatment, the level of serum immunoglobulins A, M, G remains low, recurrence of infection continues, lymphadenopathy persists.

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