Intervertebral disc prolapse. Possibilities of diagnosis and pathophysiology of the development of the disease

Intervertebral disc prolapse. Possibilities of diagnosis and pathophysiology of the development of the disease

AUTHORS : Arkhipova L.G. | Muravyova I.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Chernivtsi, Ukraine, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Type of application

In the practice of a doctor, there are often cases of patients’ complaints of pain in the spine and symptoms of neuropathy. Schmorl’s disease, prolapse of the vertebral discs occur quite often at any age, except for early childhood. The reason for their development is not completely clear. The role of trauma in the anamnesis, defects of the skeletal system of a genetic nature, etc. are suggested. Our task was to determine the possibilities of diagnostics by the method of vegetative resonance test “IMEDIS-TEST” of this pathology.

Any diagnostic method is reliable only when confirmed by clinical data. The studies were carried out in Chernivtsi and Moscow, independently of each other, using the same algorithm.

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