The use of traditional diagnostic and treatment methods to relieve withdrawal symptoms and overcome drug addiction in persons opiate abusers

The use of traditional diagnostic and treatment methods to relieve withdrawal symptoms and overcome drug addiction in persons opiate abusers

AUTHORS : Katorgin V.S. | Meizerov E.E. | Yugova S.V. | Medvedev V.M. | Gotovsky Yu.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Friendship University Peoples,Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Type of application

Over the past decade, in Russia and many other former republics of the Soviet Union, the situation related to drug abuse and illicit trafficking in the territories of these states has sharply deteriorated. In this regard, the executive authorities are taking a number of legal, social and medical measures to suppress the import, production, sale and consumption of drugs, as well as to search for new effective methods for diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases caused by the use of psychoactive substances.

As a result of two years of work, by the joint efforts of employees of several research medical institutions, a unique method for identifying people who use drugs was developed and introduced into practice. In April 2001, the Ministry of Health of Russia approved the guidelines in the appropriate order, and the method was approved for medical use (Guidelines No. 2001/98) [17].


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