Differences in absorption spectra of distilled water and aqueous electronic copies of homeopathic nosodes

Differences in absorption spectra of distilled water and aqueous electronic copies of homeopathic nosodes

AUTHORS : Chernysheva T.N. | Maslov S.V. | Korenbaum V.I. | Apukhtina T.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Educational and Practical Center for Functional Medicine “Manus”, Vladivostok, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

Electronic homeopathic copies – preparations made by imprinting the initial substance on water using M. Ray’s devices [1], have become widespread in such areas of bioresonance medicine as modern homeopathy, applied kinesiology and electropuncture diagnostics. The results of experimental studies using bioindication methods [1] indicate the similarity of the effect on living organisms of homeopathic preparations prepared in the traditional way and their electronic copies. In many countries, the serial production of M. Rey’s devices has been established.

In particular, in Russia devices of this type – “TRANSFER-P” – are produced by the “IMEDIS” center. However, there is a noticeable lack of objective scientific data on the very phenomenon of imprinting. Diagnostic homeopathic nosodes Toxic metal, Bacteria, manufactured by Metabolics (England), were used as the initial homeopathic preparations. The objective nature of the impact of these nosodes on the human body is confirmed by works [2, 3]. Randomly mixed sealed ampoules with distilled water (volume 5 ml) were taken as a carrier.

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