On the issue of the use of bioresonance therapy in combination with hirudotherapy in patients with dorsalgia in a sanatorium

On the issue of the use of bioresonance therapy in combination with hirudotherapy in patients with dorsalgia in a sanatorium

AUTHORS : Bykov A.T. | Poddubnaya R.Yu. | Syachinov V.P. | Malevanny E.G. | Sorokina E.F. | Varyushkina E.A. | Krupko I.Z.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Central Clinical Sanatorium named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, Sochi, Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Clinical evaluation

Traditionally, the main clinical indications for referral to our sanatorium were diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system. According to statistical indicators, dorsopathies and dorsalgia occur in 30-40% of vacationers from nosological forms. At the modern level of knowledge, it is hardly possible to confine oneself to the diagnosis of osteochondrosis. Persistent pain syndrome, motor, sensory, trophic and vegetative-vascular disorders cannot always be attributed entirely to the compression of one root or another by one single slipped disc.

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