Theoretical and philosophical approaches to explaining the mechanism of action of diagnostic electropunctural systems and a bioresonance device
AUTHORS : Trifonov A.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Help yourself”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Experience
1. The phenomenon of life is based on the trinity of information, energy and substances.
2. All substances and objects of the surrounding space differ from each other. other spectra of radiation and energy absorption.
3. The spectral characteristics of absorption and emission of objects depend on the space-time ratio of parts as a whole, and the corridor and specific values of the frequency period depend on the dimension of the object and the number of levels that make up a finite, discrete whole.
4. All objects of the surrounding space are multi-level systems and, accordingly, differ from each other in the number of levels and the total amount of energy at each of the levels, as well as in the ratio of kinetic and potential energies in each of the levels.