Place and role of bioresonance therapy in the hierarchy of field and material structures of the body

Place and role of bioresonance therapy in the hierarchy of field and material structures of the body

AUTHORS : Gotovsky Yu.V. | Demsky V.P. | Urazovskaya T.M.

YEAR : 1999 | Category : Educational

Bioresonance therapy, as a new direction in the treatment and prevention of a large number of diseases, has rapidly entered our life. The effectiveness of this unique method of therapy is largely determined by the breadth and level of understanding of the processes that make up the essence of the concept – bioresonance therapy. In the history of philosophical thought, many years before our days, we find intuitions and constructions that can be associated with scientific empirical conclusions, if we try to transfer these thoughts that have come down to us – intuitions into the realm of real scientific facts.

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