Experience in the Treatment of Acute Viral Hepatitis B Using Bioresonance Medicine Methods (preliminary message)

Experience in the Treatment of Acute Viral Hepatitis B Using Bioresonance Medicine Methods (preliminary message)

AUTHORS : Zmyzgova A.V. | Abalakin V.A. | Fomina T.N. | Gulkasova K.V. | Maksimova R.F. | Danilova T.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :  Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Second Clinical hospital for Infectious Disease, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Method of treatment

Human viral hepatitis is a global problem and causes enormous socioeconomic damage. Viral hepatitis B (HB), according to WHO, annually infects more than 50 million people and in 5-10% of them acute hepatitis transforms into chronic. This determines the need for the rapid implementation of the achievements of science and practice in the treatment of viral hepatitis.

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