Dependence of the clinical efficacy of structural resonance therapy from the stability of the pathological morphogenetic field
AUTHORS : Blinkov I.L.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Clinical farm laboratory of the Research Center of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov and the Department of theoretical problems of non-drug therapy NIITML MH and MP RF
YEAR : 1998 | Category : Research
The morphogenetic field (MHD) was discovered and studied in the process of observing the development of a fertilized egg and an embryo (B.N.Belintsev, 1991), and in a simplified version – much earlier, on a model of surviving yeast culture (A.G. Gurvich, 1944 ; A.A. Gurvich, 1968). Physically, IHL is written off (M.S. Gilyarov, 1986) as vector energy fields in certain spatial zones of the embryo that determine (= predictive = planning) the morphological development of specific organs.