The use of bioresonance therapy in gynecological practice
AUTHORS : Frolova L.A.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center for Intelligent Medical Systems “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1996 | Category : Type of application
In order to understand the processes occurring during menstrual dysfunction in women of childbearing age, it is necessary to outline the normal functioning of the connections between the central nervous system, the endocrine system and target organs . Together with the cortical and limbic components, the hypothalamus performs many integrating actions, moreover, not for significantly longer periods of time than during the implementation of short-term regular functions . The hypothalamus “knows” in advance what needs will arise in the body during a normal daily rhythm of life. He, for example, brings the endocrine system to full readiness as soon as we wake up . He also monitors the hormonal activity of the ovaries throughout the menstrual cycle .