Using the principles of activation therapy to correct the training process in athletes

Using the principles of activation therapy to correct the training process in athletes

AUTHORS : Kudaev A.E. | Khodareva N.K. | Barsukova L.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center for Innovative Technologies “Artemis” GBU RO “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center No. 1”, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational

One of the urgent tasks of modern medical rehabilitation is the problem of assessing the state of the organism as a whole and its main systems of vital activity. Sports activity is accompanied by long-term effects on the body of both physiological (excessive physical activity) and psychological stressors (emotional and informational). At the same time, training programs inadequate to the physiological and neuropsychic capabilities of athletes eventually lead to overstrain.

The currently used methods for assessing the functional state and predicting the peak of sports form do not give an integral idea of the level of the individual’s functional capabilities at each stage of the training and competitive process, and, moreover, of timely pharmacological correction, if necessary. We have proposed and tested an integral method for assessing the level of functional capabilities of athletes based on general nonspecific adaptive reactions (ONAP) developing at the level of the whole organism during stress and anti-stress reactions: training, calm and increased activation, reactivation [1, 2, 3].

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