Dirofilariasis. New diagnostic problem of regional parasitology

Dirofilariasis. New diagnostic problem of regional parasitology

AUTHORS : Goryacheva M.V. | Schumacher G.I. | Churilova L.A. | Kostyuchenko L.I. | Tsibirova L.I. | Goryacheva K.V. | Sergeev T.S. | Frolova T.S. | Mikheeva O.O.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : FSBEI HE “Altai State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health RF,Altai branch of the FSBI NMITs them. N.N. Blokhin RAS, Barnaul, Russia
YEAR : 2020 | Category : Data

In recent years, cases of human disease with dirofilariasis, an obligate-transmissible canine helminthiasis caused by Dirofilaria repens, have become more frequent in the Altai Territory. In the Russian Federation, the disease was considered rare for a long time. On the territory of the former USSR until 1976, 11 sporadic cases of dirofilariasis were recorded – all in the republics of Central Asia.

Since the mid-1990s. XX century, there is an increase in the number of registered cases of human dirofilariasis and an increase in attention to this problem. For the period 1996-2001 152 cases were identified, mainly among residents of endemic areas in the south of the country [1]. However, an analysis of the incidence of recent years has shown that a certain frequency of the disease is also present in regions with a temperate climate (Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Lipetsk regions, Ural, Bashkortostan, etc.).

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