Energy information medicine as a clinical componentmanagement of patients with neurological pathology

Energy information medicine as a clinical componentmanagement of patients with neurological pathology

AUTHORS : Zaitsev O. Yu. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Clinic of family medicine “Your Doctor”, Yekaterinburg, Russia
YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational

1. All doctors of bioresonance therapy working on the equipment of the Center “IMEDIS”, on a mandatory basis, treat patients in accordance with the specialty received at the medical institute (for me, this is neurology). After receiving additional education, the usual tactics of managing patients are often revised. This is due to a different awareness of well-known nosologies and the possibilities of optimizing patient management from the standpoint of energy-information medicine, both in diagnosis and in therapy.

2. Purpose of the work: to share the experience of using energy-information techniques in neurological practice.

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