Features of using the electronic version of the Sondi test in ART

Features of using the electronic version of the Sondi test in ART

AUTHORS : Bobrov I.A. | Bizyaev P.D. | Mkhitaryan K.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MC “Leib-medic”, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational

Introduction The emergence of L. Szondi’s concept of fate analysis (which includes both his test, or the method of portrait elections, and the doctrine of fate analysis itself) at the beginning of the twentieth century was a revolutionary event in the field of psychophysiology and psychogenetics, although not fully appreciated until now [ 1].

In works [2–3], the authors considered the Szondi test: – on the one hand, from the point of view of the theory of functional systems (FS) P.K. Anokhin; – on the other hand, from the point of view of the concepts of Miraculous Meridians (FM) and Trigrams (TG) Ba-Gua, in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It was possible to show that:

1. First, the Miraculous Meridians from TCM correspond to the Ba-gua trigrams from IDzin, while they are in the full sense of the FS according to P.K. Anokhin and carry out the formation of chronosemantic, and in fact, biosocial homeostasis of a person [4].

2. Secondly, the Miraculous Meridians, and therefore the Trigrams, correspond to attraction factors in the Szondi test. At the same time, portraits from the Szondi test, indicating a certain factor of attraction, are exactly the markers of the Miraculous Meridians or Trigrams correlated to them [2].

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