An example of medical caremultidrug-resistant patient

An example of medical caremultidrug-resistant patient

AUTHORS : Bessarabov O.V. | Kovtun T.F. | Pisareva E.V. | Avseenko V.E.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Medicine of the Future”, Kaliningrad, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational

In October 2017, WHO released a fact sheet on the dangerous trend of bacteria acquiring antibiotic resistance. This bulletin identifies the causes of the hazard and what you can do to counter the hazard. We would like to share the experience and results of treatment of pneumonia patients with multidrug-resistant bacteria (hereinafter MDR). The treatment was carried out according to the “Method of restoring the magnetic properties of tissues.”

This method was developed on the basis of the theory “Quantum control in the atoms of substances of living matter”. To ensure and implement quantum control in the atoms of living matter substances, the equipment produced by the IMEDIS Center (Moscow) was used. We intend to prove that the methods of bioresonance therapy, which are aimed at restoring the magnetic properties of tissues, are absolutely safe, extremely effective and can save the lives of patients in cases where antibiotics are useless or pose a threat to life.

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