Autoimmune diseases

Sensorineural hearing loss: some results and the prospect of treatment with the use of APK “IMEDIS-EXPERT”

AUTHORS : Pastukhova ON. | Pastukhov V.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MC “Health Formula”, Yekaterinburg, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational

The work of a BRT doctor is now becoming increasingly important. Patients in only a small percentage of cases are treated with acute inflammatory processes. Every year it is more and more difficult for patients, more and more their trust in the method. And more and more often, the BRT doctor is faced with complex tasks that cannot be solved by official medicine. These tasks include autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmune diseases are a large group of diseases that can be combined on the basis that the immune system aggressively opposed to its own body takes part in their development. Despite the fact that in some cases the autoimmune process is considered as a local disease (for example, thyroiditis), this group of diseases should be considered as systemic processes.

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Sensorineural hearing loss: some results and the prospect of treatment with the use of APK “IMEDIS-EXPERT”
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