Application of exogenous and bioresonance therapy in the treatment of patients with neurological pathology (cases from practice)

Application of exogenous and bioresonance therapy in the treatment of patients with neurological pathology (cases from practice)

AUTHORS : Shalaginova M.G.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MBUZ Krasnodar City Clinical Emergency Hospital, Krasnodar, Russia
YEAR : 2017


Cerebrovascular pathology of the brain has become very widespread and largely determines the life expectancy of the population. In the overall structure of
mortality, cerebral strokes, according to statistics, rank second after heart disease. In recent years, strokes even lead in prevalence and mortality, ahead of myocardial
infarction. In Russia, mortality from strokes currently reaches 30%, and mortality – 50%
of the number of cases. Cerebral stroke is the leading cause of disability among
the population, which makes it the most important social problem in society.



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