About information diagnosis in the “IMEDIS-EXPERT” system

About information diagnosis in the “IMEDIS-EXPERT” system

AUTHORS : Makina S.K.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Vega-plus”, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan
YEAR : 2016


It is known that when determining a medical diagnosis, a doctor, relying on diagnostic signs and rules for constructing a diagnosis, using personal professional experience, intuition, modern medical technologies, conducts a logical analysis of the patient’s wellbeing, symptoms of the patient and the causes of the disease. “In this case, the process of making a diagnosis is represented as a movement along a tree, depending on the answers to the questions that are posed at each vertex” [1]. In recognizing the diagnosis, given the complexity of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of modern diseases, it
becomes relevant to use all diagnostic methods known to medicine in order to build a
scientifically based therapy algorithm



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