Chakras from the ART perspective

Chakras from the ART perspective

AUTHORS : Makarevich A.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, Minsk, Belarus
YEAR : 2016


The use of the vegetative resonance test (ART) [1] to determine the biophysical state of the chakras allows the doctor to find not only the shortest path to the patient’s health problems, but also to reveal potentially hidden problems that are inaccessible for research by other methods.
Chakra theory is one of the most convenient models for working with both physical and mental, emotional, and sometimes parapsychological problems. This aspect is extremely important for the treatment of complex patients, when it is necessary to isolate the main complex of problems, or the
“core” of pathology, which may lie above the level at which modern medicine operates [2].



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