Practical application of Ayurvedic concepts in the ART-BRT method for examination, treatment and rehabilitation of patients according to the IRADT system

Practical application of Ayurvedic concepts in the ART-BRT method for examination, treatment and rehabilitation of patients according to the IRADT system

AUTHORS : Kruglova S.V. | Kudaev A.E. | Khodareva N.K.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MCIT “Artemida”, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
YEAR : 2016


Introduction As one of the oldest medical systems, Ayurveda has had a great influence on the development of Arab and European medicine.
During the heyday of the Abbasid Caliphate, many doctors from India worked in Baghdad, some of whom were influential at the court of the Caliph.
Mathematical, medical, including pharmacological and Ayurvedic texts (among
them Sushruta Samhita) were translated into Arabic in Baghdad at the end of the
first millennium AD.



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