Dependence of the type of adaptive reactions on the dose of the bioresonance drug

Dependence of the type of adaptive reactions on the dose of the bioresonance drug

AUTHORS : Kudaev A.E. | Vinokurov V.V. | Barsukova L.P. | Khodareva N.K.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MCIT “Artemida”, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
YEAR : 2016


In the first half of the 20th century, Walter Cannon introduced the fundamental concept of homeostasis as an integral self-sustaining body system responsible for maintaining the constancy of the basic parameters of its internal environment. Erwin Bauer, who worked in the USSR in the 1920s, linked the concept of homeostasis with the fundamental physical concepts of free energy and work, and thus paved the way for a quantitative
measure of stability and the ability to consider physiological problems in terms and using methods
of biophysics. Finally, the Canadian scientist Hans Selye in 1936 discovered and substantiated the first



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