The effectiveness of treatment of arthritis associated with chlamydial infection using bioresonance therapy

The effectiveness of treatment of arthritis associated with chlamydial infection using bioresonance therapy

AUTHORS : Dostanko1 E.G. | Dostanko1 V.Yu. | Dostanko2 N.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1PE “Center of Resonant Medicine” INFOMED ” 2Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
YEAR : 2015


Introduction The relevance of the problem of inflammatory joint diseases induced and maintained by chlamydial infection is beyond doubt. This infection is often
detected in young and middle-aged people with persistent inflammatory joint damage and requires very long courses of antibiotic therapy with alternating
drugs, which are not always successful in curing joint damage, but are often
accompanied by the development of significant side effects



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