An innovative method for the treatment of gallbladder polyps and liver cysts in the early stages of the disease

An innovative method for the treatment of gallbladder polyps and liver cysts in the early stages of the disease

AUTHORS : Khachumova K.G. | Leontyeva N.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GOU VPO RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2015


Benign formations of the digestive tract – polyps of the gallbladder and liver cysts remain small for a long time, up to 1 cm in diameter, do not manifest
clinically and are detected by chance during screening endoscopy or in sections [4].Only 5-10% of patients with nonparasitic (biliary) liver cysts are subject to
surgical treatment, the rest should be observed either by a gastroenterologist or
by a surgeon in an outpatient department [3].



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