Experimental study of the expectorant activity of infusion and watersoluble polysaccharides from the herb Ikotnik gray – Berteroa incana (L.) DC

Experimental study of the expectorant activity of infusion and watersoluble polysaccharides from the herb Ikotnik gray – Berteroa incana (L.) DC

AUTHORS : Drozdova I.L. | Lupilina T.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Kursk State Medical University, Kursk
YEAR : 2014


SUMMARY The article presents the results of studying the expectorant activity of the infusion and water-soluble polysaccharides of the herb of the gray hiccup (Berteroa incana (L.) DC.) Of the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae). It has been established that the infusion and water-soluble polysaccharides
of the herb hiccups have expectorant activity, which gives rise to their further indepth
study as potential agents for the treatment of respiratory diseases. An experimental study of the expectorant activity of the infusion and water-soluble
polysaccharides from the herb of gray hiccup was carried out for the first time.



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