New about Bach flower essences

New about Bach flower essences

AUTHORS : Smyshnikov V.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical and psychological center of individuality on Sadovaya-Karetnaya,
Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2014


For the first time in Russian, a Russian publishing house publishes a book by Hagen Heimann”All about Bach flowers and new therapies with Bach flower essences.” The author has kindly provided
materials for the publication of this article. He is a doctor of alternative medicine, deputy director of the International Center for New Treatment Methods in Hanau (Germany), head of the regional group of the union of naturopaths, conducts seminars and lectures in Germany and abroad. In 2014, Mr. Heimann
plans to conduct lecture seminars in Russia.
Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) was able to accurately classify 38 negative mental states and to
select 38 flower essences for their therapy. Bach treated exclusively the mental disorders of his
patients. He was clearly convinced that the patient, by receiving the missing virtue through the Bach
Flowers, would again be in harmony with himself, due to which he would recover.



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