Study of the nature of the distribution of currents in organs and tissues with electropuncture therapy

Study of the nature of the distribution of currents in organs and tissues with electropuncture therapy

AUTHORS : Gotovsky1 M.Yu. | Perov2 S.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Center “IMEDIS”, 2FSBI “Research Institute of Medicine Labor “, RAMS, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2013


The therapeutic effect of electropuncture therapy is based on exposure to a constant or alternating (pulsed) electric current, as a result of which induced
currents are formed in the tissues of the body, the density of which is determined by the intensity of exposure. However, the path of the current in the body is very
complicated due to the electrical heterogeneity of tissues and can differ significantly from the structure of the distribution of lines of force in a
homogeneous medium. In the human body, electric current spreads mainly through the tissues with the highest electrical conductivity, mainly through the
intercellular space, muscles, blood vessels of the circulatory and lymphatic
systems. Numerous interfaces during the transition from one tissue to another,



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