The Importance of Electropuncture Testing to Determine Effectiveness multicomponent homeopathic medicine Afosar EDAS-916

The Importance of Electropuncture Testing to Determine Effectiveness multicomponent homeopathic medicine Afosar EDAS-916

AUTHORS : Yusupov G.A.

YEAR : 2013


For individual selection homeopathic drugs not infrequently used by drug testing (MT), based on the principles of feedback, in particular, on the dynamics of indicators of electrical conductivity (EP) in biologically active points (BAP) [1, 2, 5, 6]. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the use of complex homeopathic preparations, selected taking into account the results of MT and without MT, is relevant. Our studies on the effectiveness of the use of Afosar
EDAS-916 in the treatment of patients with neurocircular dystonia showed that its effectiveness
when prescribed with a positive MT result is 10% higher than when using the drug only for clinical indications.



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