Generalized form of schistosomiasis. Case from practice

Generalized form of schistosomiasis. Case from practice

AUTHORS : Yudintseva I.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2013

A patient from Kazakhstan applied to the Eliseeva Medical Center for examination. Complaints of severe weakness, sweating, an increase in the inguinal,
axillary and cervical lymph nodes, subfebrile body temperature for one year. Chronic cystitis, pyelonephritis, large uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cysts in the
ovaries, hemorrhoids. Examined by a gynecologist. An operation was proposed, but the patient refused and contacted us at the Center.
On examination: axillary lymph nodes the size of a walnut, dense, mobile,
cervical lymph nodes the size of a hazelnut, inguinal lymph nodes the size of a fist,
larger on the right, bulging, uneven, lumpy, hard (calcified?)



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