Intolerance of construction materials in the development of a flat form of leukoplakia of the mucous membrane of the mouth

Intolerance of construction materials in the development of a flat form of leukoplakia of the mucous membrane of the mouth

AUTHORS : Goryacheva M.V. | Dementieva E.A. | Oreshaka O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GBOU VPO AGMU Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Barnaul, Russia
YEAR : 2012


One of the clinical manifestations of pathological keratinization of the oral mucosa and the red border of the lips, arising in response to exogenous stimuli, is
leukoplakia. Among chronic diseases of the oral mucosa, this hyperkeratic process is diagnosed in 13% of patients over the age of 40, more often in men. Leukoplakia is considered an optional precancer of the oral mucosa. However, the likelihood and frequency of developing cancer against the background of this condition are not clearly defined and, according to different researchers, vary from 15 to 70%.



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