Determination of the content of residual pesticides in medicinal vegetable raw materials

Determination of the content of residual pesticides in medicinal vegetable raw materials

AUTHORS : Gravel1 I.V. | Samylina1 I.A. | Tereshkina2 O.I. | Rudakova2 I.P. | Morozov3 S.V. | Yakovlev4 G.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1First Moscow Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Moscow,
2Research Institute of Pharmacy, Moscow, 3NIOCH SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 4
St. Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy, St. Petersburg
YEAR : 2011

SUMMARY Medicinal plants in conditions of increased technogenic pollution of the environment are capable of accumulating various toxicants, including pesticides. In the light of modern requirements for the quality of herbal preparations, the pharmacopoeias of leading foreign countries regulate the content of residual pesticides in the General Pharmacopoeia Monograph. Based on experimental studies, comparative analysis of modern approaches to the quality of medicinal plant materials in domestic and foreign literature, a draft General Pharmacopoeia Article “Determination of the content of residual pesticides in medicinal plant raw materials” was prepared for the XII edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation.



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