Features of diagnostics of giardiasis by ART and Voll methods. Methods for the treatment of giardiasis

Features of diagnostics of giardiasis by ART and Voll methods. Methods for the treatment of giardiasis

AUTHORS : Lagoda N.Ya. | Eliseeva O.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Medical Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2011


Epidemiology. Giardiasis is a common protozoal disease in children and adults. Giardia is ubiquitous. Among children, the incidence is up to 70%. On average, every fifth person is sick with giardiasis. Man is the only reservoir of infection; lamblia also parasitizes in the body of dogs, kittens, and rodents. Giardia cysts are excreted in the feces and remain viable for up to 70 days, in tap water – up to 3 months.



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