Using the principle of lateralization of functional disorders in the human body in diagnostics by the method of electro-acupuncture vegetative resonance test (VRT) “IMEDIS-TEST”

Using the principle of lateralization of functional disorders in the human body in diagnostics by the method of electro-acupuncture vegetative resonance test (VRT) “IMEDIS-TEST”

AUTHORS : Yakovets I.V. | Gotovsky M.Yu. | Bocharov D.G. | Yakovets M.I.

YEAR : 2010


The term lateral refers to anatomical nomenclature and is used to define the position of an organ or parts thereof in the human body located further
from the median (sagittal) plane. The principle of lateralization of functions or symmetry – asymmetry is used in the study of various problems of physiology,
morphology, neurology, psychology, etc. and is associated with the process of the formation of a functional organization in the activity of an organ and
systems … The principle of lateralization of functions has been most studied in studies of brain functions,



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