Obesity and its correction using bioresonance therapy, reflexology, homeopathy, psychotherapy

Obesity and its correction using bioresonance therapy, reflexology, homeopathy, psychotherapy

AUTHORS : Postnikova O.A. | Postnikov Yu.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Homeopathy and Electropuncture Medicine IPK FMBA MH RF,
Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2010

Obesity – is one of the pressing problems of modern society. The use of homeopathic remedies for solving the problem of normalizing
weight allows you to work both at the somatic level and at the level of the psyche, therefore in this work we will consider the effect of homeopathic medicines and
psychotherapeutic tasks in conjunction. There are different types of obesity. Obesity is distinguished by the shape of
the location of fat: the first option



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