Research of vegetative support of activity in patients with pain syndromes by the method of segmental bioelectronic functional diagnostics

Research of vegetative support of activity in patients with pain syndromes by the method of segmental bioelectronic functional diagnostics

AUTHORS : Kirgizovaone NS. | Millerone A.V. | Mizieva2 Z.M.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneCenter “IMEDIS”, 2GOU VPO MMA them. THEM. Sechenov, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2010


Within the framework of assessing the possibilities of the adaptive function of the nervous
system in the process of rehabilitation, it becomes necessary to determine its parameters, namely,
the initial autonomic tone, autonomic reactivity and autonomic support in numerical equivalents [1,4].
Earlier, in order to determine the initial autonomic tone (IVT) and autonomic reactivity (VR), we
conducted studies using segmental bioelectronic functional diagnostics (SBFD), as a result of which
the integral coefficient of instability (ICI) was determined [7, 9].



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