The need for an integrated approach in the treatment of osteoporosis

The need for an integrated approach in the treatment of osteoporosis

AUTHORS : Pastukhova ON THE. | Pastukhov V.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MC “Health Formula”, Yekaterinburg, Russia
YEAR : 2009


In recent years, the number of visits by patients with an established diagnosis of osteoporosis has increased. For 2 years, 12 patients, aged 56 to 68, applied for this. 8 of them are women, 4 are men. The duration of the disease before the visit to the MC was on average 14 months. All patients received non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, calcium preparations, agents regulating calcium metabolism, dietary supplements. The main complaints presented by them: constant pain in the thoracic and lumbar spine, sacrum, hip joints, aggravated by any movement and persisting at night.



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