The use of frequency resonance test in assessing the lesion of functional systems of various levels and their therapy by example infertility treatment

The use of frequency resonance test in assessing the lesion of functional systems of various levels and their therapy by example infertility treatment

AUTHORS : Bobrov I.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : IPC “Family with a plus”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2009


The peculiarity of the treatment of chronic diseases, a particular case of which is the problem of infertility, is that in this case the doctor deals with systemic
damage to the body, in which functional systems (FS) of all levels are involved in the pathological process. That is, in addition to the FS level of ordinary meridians
(meridians) that form the current homeostasis, there are deviations in the FS of the Elemental level that form future homeostasis indicators in time (depending on the
patient’s age, season, time of day, etc.),



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