Diseases of the urinary system in children

Diseases of the urinary system in children

AUTHORS : Mikhailova A.S. | Katina T.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia
YEAR : 2009


Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system occupy the second place among childhood infections.They are characterized not only by a high frequency of
occurrence, but also by a tendency to relapse, especially against the background of urinary tract anomalies. Conventionally, all infections of the urinary system,
depending on the localization of the process, can be divided into two groups: infections of the lower urinary tract and upper. Lower urinary tract infections
involve the urethra and bladder (urethritis, urethral syndrome, cystitis) in the inflammatory process. Microbial damage to the upper urinary tract leads to the
development of pyelonephritis and encapsulated processes, for example, a carbuncle or a kidney abscess. The ureters, as a link between the kidneys and the
bladder, are practically not involved in the inflammatory process in isolation.



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