Experience in using bioresonance technology in the production of edible eggs enriched with microelements

Experience in using bioresonance technology in the production of edible eggs enriched with microelements

AUTHORS : Avakovaone A.G. | Kovalev2 Yu.A. | Bobyr2 K.G. | Podolskaya2 V.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneNorth Caucasian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry (SKNIIZH),
2LLC poultry farm “Krasnodarskaya”, Krasnodar, Russia
YEAR : 2009


The use of bioresonance technology makes it possible to intensify the metabolism in the body, aimed at enhanced absorption of bioelements from feed, their accumulation in eggs, to increase the egg productivity of laying hens by 2.4%, to reduce feed costs by 40 g per dozen eggs and to improve
the indicator of production profitability. by 5%. The problem of electromagnetic stimulation of poultry productivity is of great scientific and practical
interest, since this is one of the ways to reveal the still unknown aspects of the physiology of growth, the formation of products and the control of these processes.
The complex of frequency-resonant effects on poultry, called bioresonance technology, allows
you to emit the effect of natural compounds or enhance the assimilation of individual feed elements
and their transfer into products. For example



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