The influence of phytocompositions of the “Russian Natural Pharmacy” series on the state of the vegetative balance among students

The influence of phytocompositions of the “Russian Natural Pharmacy” series on the state of the vegetative balance among students

AUTHORS : Belyaeva1 A.V. | Ponomareva2 A.G. | Boldyrev3 O.Yu. | Krivoshchapov3 M.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Moscow State Regional University, 2Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 3All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, Moscow
YEAR : 2008


The tone of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is determined by many factors. The level of intoxication of the body depends on the endoecological pollution of the body caused by environmental pollution, the state of the digestive and excretory systems, the level of adaptation of the body to toxic effects and the level of physical activity. During movement, physiotherapy or the use of infusions of certain plants, the accumulated toxic substances enter the blood from the intercellular space [4, 5] and cause a corresponding response of the
ANS [10]. A.M. Wayne et al. [2] proposed to determine the tone of the ANS on the basis of calculating the
indicators of diastolic pressure and pulse (Kerdo index) in combination with determining the level of
conjugation of the work of the cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems – the Hildebrant index.


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